
If thousands of years ago

  ;  ;March Shenzhen jewelry exhibition ,attracted numerous industry attention, but the afternoon of March 11th, Chinese gold in 2009 the China gold jewelry market status and Trends Research Report conference is undoubtedly the most popular .
Report describes in detail China jewelry industry in the financial crisis period market outlook ,analysed at present our country more city jewelry market present situation and characteristics of consumption ,the development trend henceforth a certain number of jewelry category ,regional market changes and future trend ,the jewellery industry marketing channel reform and other issues .
At the same time report also on the lots of rational analysis of the data of domestic jewelry market characteristics ,and the jewelry industry pays close attention to most mouse + cement the consumption mode undertook detailed analysis .
  ;  ;report of 1   ;  ; China gold jewelry market status and Trends Research Report pointed out that the   ;  ;China gold jewelry industry will show 7 big trends China gold jewelry market present situation and tendency of for the industry of the future development trend undertook special survey .
The report predicts ,the next period of time, the gold jewelry industry in product innovation ,brand building ,channel development from 7 aspects such as obvious changes ,and such changes may also be the development trend of the market is a reflection .
  ;  ;these trends are: the market is overall up-and-up ,the more intense competition ;brand building ,product innovation ,the future marketing focus ;product diversification road non-stop ,gold was still hot ;investment demand growth ;it is not the Austrian industry continues to globalization process; in the short term, the main sales market is concentrated in the first-tier cities ;network marketing channel broad prospects .
Based on the current situation of market and the analysis of questionnaires is predicted to produce base . Investment demand growth this prediction as an example ,in actual sales, customers have to show the investment demand growth trend .
Review a few years to changes in the market ,first of all ,the people consciousness is more and more strong .More than 3 years ago, the market appeared a kind of gold investment products .In recent years, each ordinary people can feel the changes of people .
If thousands of years ago ,a savings bank and Treasury almost is the only means of investment .Now ,people have more and more hot money ,also have begun to seek a higher rate of return channel .
Housing ,stocks ,funds are people trying to money for money . .Secondly ,the investment can be done more and more jewelry products .Many rare jewelry materials ,renewable ,available for investment ,although not generally considered gold jewelry belonging to physical gold investment products ,but in fact ,many retailers in sales of gold jewelry made a fashion ,the concept of value .
This reflects the customer a time in mind ,gold jewelry can be used as both a decorative ,but also a kind of investment assets in the form of .In 2009, gold - fully proved this point .For example, in Shanxi, many miners to buy high-grade jade ,and a one-piece high-grade jade price could reach millions of rmb .
In their eyes ,jade is not only a symbol of identity and status, but also investment goods .Moreover ,in many areas, a large diamond sales also relevant to investors . Report in the data, 17.
6% of the respondents talked about buying gold jewelry purposes ,choose investment .But when asked about the next 3 to 5 years of jewelry consumption factors ,28.8% of the respondents chose investment .
Therefore , report prediction ,future jewelry investment demand will increase .In recent years ,China jewelry industry sales amounted to an average annual growth rate of more than 10% of the speed of development, the mainland market sales in 2009 amounted to 220000000000 yuan .
It is worth mentioning that ,even in this round of financial crisis to world economy ,caused a huge impact ,most major economies stagnate or decline ,the international jewelry market is more severe atrophy .
But China jewelry market continues to maintain a steady growth .Relevant data shows ,at present China has become the world a few jewelry annual consumption of more than $30000000000 in one of the countries, some important jewelry products for the consumer to all occupy world front row .
China is the world jade processing and consuming countries ,annual sales of more than 20000000000 Yuan ;pearl the annual output of about 1400 tons ,occupy world pearl year total output of more than 95% years ;platinum consumption resides the world the first ;diamond consumption has exceeded Japan ranked second in the world ;gold jewelry consumption is next to India .
In addition ,silver jewelry year consumption amounts to 800 tons ,red sapphire ,crystal ,jewelry and other products in the Chinese market is popular .However ,because of this ,the national jewelry force was gradually will develop eyes on China ,the domestic jewelry market is undergoing tremendous changes .
Report describes in detail China jewelry industry in the financial crisis period market outlook ,analysed at present our country more city jewelry market present situation and characteristics of consumption ,the development trend henceforth a certain number of jewelry category ,regional market changes and future trend ,the jewellery industry marketing channel reform and other issues ,it is in recent years on the domestic jewelry industry status quo and future development of the most detailed a report .
Report shows ,China industry is faced with a very favorable development opportunity .With the diversification of consumption ,jewelry enterprises capital socialization ,jewelry industry internationalization ,China jewelry industry will maintain a sustained, rapid growth trend .
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